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Practice this case based on how you are assessed in your OSCEs, and use the relevant sections for general revision. 🤓


Doctor Instruction:

You are a doctor working in the emergency department. Your next patient is a 45-year-old gentleman (Ian Smith) coming in due to having "tea" coloured urine. Please take a history and perform an appropriate examination.


Patient History:

Your name is Ian Smith. You are a 45 years old man working as an office worker.

You come in today because you noticed something weird with your urine - it is becoming more "tea" coloured or red-brown coloured. This happened after running a marathon 1 day ago, which you wanted to do for a long time because you were quite unfit working in an office job and wanted to challenge yourself. You are worried because you are unsure if this is blood, and you cannot see any fresh blood. You feel hopeless as you could not even finish the first half of the marathon – it just shows how unfit you are! Since then, your lower legs have been quite sore with some swelling from running. Some numbness and tingling sensations around the calves. You also feel exhausted due to the race and sometimes have nausea and vomiting.

If asked specifically:

  • You feel like you are as dry as a bone – you are producing very little urine at the moment – no difficulty/ pain when passing urine. You haven't been drinking much water as not a "water-loving person" - maybe only a few glasses of liquid a day

  • Never had this problem with urine before. No other urinary symptoms.

  • Not eaten anything e.g. beetroot which may stain the urine

  • No history of falls / long lie/ immobilisation/ trauma/ injuries

  • No fever

Idea, Concern, Expectation:

  • You think you might have caught a urinary tract infection or maybe not drinking enough water. You are concerned if you are bleeding somewhere from the bladder - making the urine more red and brown. You want your urine colour to return to normal and possibly get some antibiotics.

Past Medical History:

  • Hypertension, hyper-cholesterol, obesity

Drug History:

  • Statin, ramipril

  • Not on anticoagulation.

  • No over-the-counter medications

  • NKDA

Family History:

  • None

Social History:

  • Drink alcohol occasionally - maybe a glass of red wine every other day.

  • Do not smoke

  • Do take substances recreationally, but you don't know what they are.

  • Live with your parents in a house

  • Work in an office for recruitment

  • No travel history


Examination Findings:

  • Alert and orientated

  • Mild swelling in both calves with tenderness - associated with weakness in movement and altered sensation.

  • Peripheral pulses are present with a heart rate of 114 bpm. BP normal.

  • Dry mucous membrane. Capillary refill time normal. Skin turgor normal.



  1. Rhabdomyolysis - due to the soft tissue breakdown following a marathon and red-brown urine. This can lead to AKI.

  2. Dehydration - the patient doesn't seem to take many fluids. High HR and dry mucous membrane suggest dehydration. This can lead to AKI.

  3. To Rule Out Urinary Tract Infection - there is a change in the colour of urine - UTI might be possible. However, the symptoms & signs occurred after the marathon with associated muscle pain/swelling, making rhabdomyolysis more likely.

  4. To Rule Out Compartment Syndrome - a possibility with pain, swelling and paraesthesia. This can occur secondary to an injury. This is a surgical emergency.

  5. To Rule Out Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT) - very unlikely. This young individual has not been immobile, he has been quite the opposite. A bilateral DVT is also unlikely, as they are usually unilateral.



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