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Practice this case based on how you are assessed in your OSCEs, and use the relevant sections for general revision. 🤓


Doctor Instruction:

You are currently a doctor working in the emergency department. Your next patient is a 51-year-old gentleman called Isaac Newton, presenting with bloody stool. Please take a history and perform an appropriate examination.


Patient History:

Your name is Isaac Newton – a 51-year-old – estate agent.

In the past three days, you have been having maroon-red diarrhoea with clots (not bright red or dark black, smelly stools). This is not settling or getting worse. You don't think you have eaten anything abnormally lately, but you generally eat a low-fibre diet. You did have some constipation a few days before having diarrhoea. You haven't noticed any lumps or bumps around your tummy. You have lost your appetite. Feeling sick and have been vomiting slightly (just food contact / no blood or bile). You also noticed aching pain on your tummy's lower left side. It comes on intermittently. Worsen by eating and improved slightly by emptying stool and passing gas. You feel your tummy is a little more bloated than usual. You also noticed you had been feeling warm with a bit of shivering last night. You do feel tired lately, but you are not sure whether this is from your stressful work or lack of sleep. You are not sure if you have lost any weight recently. Waterworks normal.

Ideas, Concerns, Expectations:

  • You have no idea what this might be. You hope it is not cancer – you have much more to live for! You are concerned because the stool is red; you might be bleeding somewhere in your bowels. You really want to know what is happening- your wife is concerned about this.

Past Medical History:

  • Ankylosing spondylitis, atrial fibrillation, diverticular disease, obesity, hypercholesterolaemia

Drug History:

  • Ibuprofen, apixaban, lansoprazole

  • Allergic to shellfish (rash)

Family History:

  • Ulcerative Colitis

Social History:

  • Ex-smoker – used to smoke 10 cigarettes a day for 10 years.

  • Drink a bottle of wine every other week.

  • Work as an estate agent.

  • Live with wife.


Examination Findings:

  • Lower left quadrant pain tenderness

  • No guarding or signs of peritonitis

  • No rebound tenderness

  • No hernia/ lump

  • No signs of testicular torsion

  • Bowel sound present

  • Murphy's sign negative

  • Rovsing's sign negative

  • PR exam – may show tenderness or mass suggesting pelvic abscess.



  1. Diverticulitis +/- complications

  2. IBD

  3. Ischaemic colitis

  4. Gastroenteritis

  5. To rule out GI cancer

  6. Other causes of abdominal pain to rule e.g. peptic ulcers (use of NSAIDs + apixaban)



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